Why Trust PatchAdvisor?

  • Our team members have significant expertise in the large-scale network security arena. They have performed hundreds of assessments of systems for government, commercial, and international clients. Our engagements have ranged from the assessment of a dual-DMZ Internet-based electronic commerce application network, its servers and firewalls, to the complete assessment of a worldwide multi-billion dollar corporation with over 60,000 live IP addresses. This latter organization had a mixed TCP/IP, IPX, and SNA network including administrative networks, design systems, manufacturing floor networks, field office networks and manufacturing networks in cities around the world.

  • Members of our team have written or contributed to numerous books on information security and the Internet, and also presented at over 80 professional conferences. Additionally, team members have provided expert commentary for programs like 60 Minutes and have been featured worldwide on television stations such as CNN, MSNBC, BBC and NHK.